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Toutes les informations sur:


Свет - МО Учреждение ПО Информац.И Науч.Технологич

Svet - MO Učreždenie PO Informac.I Nauč.Technologič (paraphrased name)

Establishment for Information and Scientific and Technological Services Light - MO (translated name)

115191 Москва Город Улица Тульская Б. 10 Стр.1

115191 Moskva Gorod Ulica Tul′Skaja B. 10 Str.1 (paraphrased address)

115191 Moscow City Street Tulskaya B. 10 Building 1 (translated address)

INN (Numéro de TVA)
État de Tva actif inactif National Registration Only
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
This data is incorrect?
Source: Company Register: FTS of Russia (